Envirnmental Science students raised Miramichi River salmon in the lab and released them back in the river as part of the restocking program supported by Fish Friends
Randy Warman was honoured with the annual Superintendent's Spirit Award for his outstanding contributions and volunteerism at our Rexton Area Schools. Randy received his award at a dinner in Bathurst that also recognized our PSSC and DEC representatives.
BLMS is proud to announce that Lee Scully was awarded a school sportsmanship award. Each year the NBIAA awards winners from each conference across the province. The award recognizes a school whose athletes, coaches and fans promote what sportsmanship is all about in every aspect of high school athletics. Congrats to Lee!!!!
2016 Yearbooks can now be ordered at a cost of $40. Also, we have a supply of past year's for sale if you would like to replace one you lost or one you didn't have....cost depends on the year 2010 and below is $10, 2011-2013 $20 and 2014 and up is $40. See Ms. Davis for more information or call 523-7160 and leave her a message! 2015 books are ready for pick up in the main office Mon-Fri 8-4pm.