Posted: March 12, 2012
Daily Work
Monday, March 12th, 2012
Welcome to class!!!
• Thank you for being here!!!!
• I hope you had a great March Break!!!! Hope you are not too sleepy from the time change.
• Today is Monday, March 12th, 2012.
Today’s work
• This week’s vocabulary word list is “Personality Traits”!!
• We will be using the vocabulary terms from the past four weeks as subjects for us to make sentences with. #1 – Months and Days; #2 – Numbers; #3 – Family; #4 – Clothing & #5 – Personality Traits. We can use the terms to help us describe ourselves and our family members.
• Example: Hello, my name is Peter Smith. I am 16 years old. I am athletic; I love to play baseball and soccer. I live with my mom and dad. My dad’s name is Bob and mom’s name is Sue. I have two brothers and one sister. My oldest brother’s name is William. Etc…
March 12th, 2012
Traits de Personnalité
sportif athleticcourageux bravelâche cowardlymalin cunningamical friendlyfroid unfriendlydrôle funnysérieux serioustravailleur hard workingparesseux lazyintéressant interestingennuyeux boringgentil kindméchant meansympathique nicesans préjugés open mindedsnob snobbishouvert outgoingtimide shypatient patientimpatient impatient
patriotique patriotic
intelligent smart
stupide stupid
raffiné sophisticated
naïf naive
fort strong
faible weak
studieux studious
taquin playful