Ms. Wilson

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Posted: February 15, 2019

Create a Powerpoint showing your top 3 to 5 favorite movies of ALL time. 

File intro_to_film_unit.pptx3.07 MB

Posted: February 15, 2019

This week students will be beginning the film unit. They will be discussing their favorite films and actors. 

Participation is important for success in PIF 10. Students who are absent should see Ms. Wilson at lunch during the week to catch up on missing work. 

Posted: February 15, 2019

This week students are continuing the equations unit. Students will have practice homework on Tuesday. 

On Thursday, Assignment #4 is due. Also, students will have a quiz on Thursday on solving equations with brackets and fractions. For the remainder of the week, students will be working on word problems. 






Posted: February 15, 2019

This week students will be reading and discussing Act 3 in Hamlet. On Thursday, students will be creating questions for the class discussion on Friday. Attendance is very important during this unit. Students who miss time should see Ms. Wilson at lunch at 12:25 during extra help any day of the week. 

Posted: February 11, 2019

This week, students will be continuing to read Act I and II in Hamlet. Students will be required to create various questions that showcase their higher-level thinking skills. Students will also be required to discuss these questions with the class. 

Because in-class participation is key to this unit, students who are absent must see me at lunch to catch up on missed work. 

Posted: February 11, 2019

This week, students will be continuing the introduction unit. Students will be completing in-class oral assessments, as well as reading and writing. Students who miss time this week should see me at lunch to catch up on missing work. 

Posted: February 11, 2019

This week in math we are continuing our unit on solving equations. 

On Monday, students will have a short quiz and be assigned a worksheet (Feuille #2). This will be due on Tuesday. 

Throughout the rest of the week, students will be working on solving equations with brackets and fractions. They will have homework questions and sheets to complete every night. Weather permitting, there will be a short quiz on Friday on solving equations with variables on both sides, as well as solving equations with brackets and fractions. 

Additionally, some students will also be preparing for a math competition. Good luck to these students! 

Posted: January 11, 2019

This week we finished the polynominal unit. Students have p. 259 questions 2, 9, 12, 15, 26, 27, 28 for homework. They should correct their answers in the back of the book in preparation for the unit test on Monday. 

Students will spend the rest of the week reviewing for the math exam.


Posted: December 13, 2018

I recommend OWL Purdue website for information about how to properly format in MLA style


For example: 


In-text --> (Last Name) 

Last name, First name. "Name of Article." Name of Website, Date Published, link to article. 


In-text --> ("Shortened Name of Article")

"Name of Article." Name of Website, Date published, link to article. 



Posted: December 12, 2018

Students will be starting the polynomials unit. In addition to learning vocabulary needed for the unit, students will be introduced to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing polynomials. 

Through the week, students will have homework questions from the textbook. On Friday, December 14, students will have a short quiz on polynomial vocabulary. A worksheet is due Monday, December 17

In the week before Christmas, we will continue the polynominal unit. Students will have homework throughout the week. There will be a short quiz on Thursday, December 20 on polynominal addition and substraction, and (time permitting), multiplication and division. 

If a student misses any time, they are encouraged to attend extra-help at lunch on Wednesdays at 11:55. Feel free to reach out with any concerns or questions! 
