Posted: January 14, 2011
You will be writing your English Language Arts Provincial Assessment Thursday and Friday next week, the 20th and 21st of January. It is crucial for you to prepare yourself for this exam. The best way to do this is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Below, I have given you some writing prompts to work on over the weekend. Try to write one piece in 1 hour.
Use the writing process for best results, don't just write one copy and say it's the final one. Remember the outline given for time:
Brainstorming (the outline) 10 - 15 minutes
Draft - 20 - 25 minutes
Editing and Revising - 10 - 15 minutes
Final Copy - 10 - 15 minutes
Also, remember to use the "Revising and Editing Checklist". This will be the same checklist given to you during the exam. Make sure you can check off each writing trait to make sure you have everything you need!
Here are you prompts:
You find an old folded up map. When you open it and blow the dust away the first words you see are "Treasure map". Write a fictional story about an adventure seeking for the treasure.
Should students be permitted to use electronic devices during class time? Why or why not?
Write about one of the best experiences of your life.