Ms. Foubert

Math & BBT

Posted: September 9, 2020

Broad Based Technology 9



Ms. R. Foubert      


Room 233



There are four Tech blocks, each being a Term long (10 weeks).  They are Art, Music, Broad Based Technology and Personal Development.  This course, Broad Based Technology (BBT), deals with several different software programs in order to complete a variety of assignments.


Course Content:

Unit 1 – PowerPoint (recreate an example presentation and create an original)

Unit 2 – Technology (exploring the history of technology, careers and technology, and responsible use of technology)

Unit 3 – Coding (using computer program Scratch)



Classroom Expectations:

1.     It is assumed students will do all assigned work to the best of their ability and come for extra help when necessary (made by appointment with the teacher).

2.     Students are responsible for all work assigned, whether or not they were present when the work was given.

3.     Students must be on time for class, follow the established classroom rules, behave respectfully, complete assignments on time, and attend class regularly.



USB: since students will need to work from home during their offsite days, it is recommended they have a USB to save their projects at the end of each day.




PowerPoint                                 30%

Technology                                 30%

Coding                                        30%

Employability Skills                      10%

          (attendance, attitude, work ethic)                     


**Subject to change at Teacher’s discretion**

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Grade 9 students:                                                     September 2020


On behalf of the grade 9 Mathematics Department, welcome to BLMS!  For a successful year in mathematics, we feel that you should know about certain guidelines and expectations we have for our students.  Please read these guidelines carefully, and there is also a list of materials required for Math 9 at the bottom of this page, and there is a detailed list of the Math 9 evaluation breakdown and units on the reverse side of this sheet.



Guidelines and Expectations:


Ø    There is a curriculum set forth by the Department of Education for Math 9 to which we are legally bound

Ø    A consistent method of calculating marks has been established and reviewed with students.  The pass mark for all students at BLMS in all subject areas is 60%. 

Ø    Test and evaluation dates are announced well in advance, and students should plan ahead for scheduled tests and assessments.  Make-up tests for students who miss a test will be written at a time decided upon by the students and the teacher.

Ø    All work including: assignments, worksheets, quizzes, and tests MUST BE COMPLETED IN PENCIL.

Ø    Students are expected to show every step involved in solving assignment, test, and exam questions.  We cannot mark what we do not see.

Ø    Students must be on time for class, bring necessary math equipment, follow the established classroom rules, behave respectfully, complete assignments on time, attend class regularly, and work to the best of their ability. 

Ø    It is the student’s responsibility to ask for extra help when experiencing difficulty or you may contact the teacher directly if you feel your child is struggling.

Ø    Extra help is available (on a day to be announced) during lunch for those students who are attentive in class, put forth a genuine effort, and complete assigned work.




Math is FUN, and being successful in this subject often leads to the development of excellent problem solving skills.  Please help us to do the best that we can in teaching students to be successful in mathematics!




Kelly Conroy, Roanne Foubert, and Julie Hudson J 









·                 Math notebook (a binder with loose leaf works best)

·                 graph paper (no more than 50 sheets required)

·                 a scientific calculator

·                 a ruler (15 cm or 30 cm)

·                 pencils (lots) and erasers


**Due to current COVID-19 health regulations, students will not be able to borrow supplies from their teacher (for example: calculators or pencils).








Mathematics 9A  2020-2021

Kelly Conroy, Roanne Foubert, and Julie Hudson

phone:  (506) 523-7160




Onsite: 45%

Offsite: 45%

Participation: 10%

Tests: 25%

Quizzes: 20%

Problem of the week: 10%

Take Home Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 25%




Problem of the Week:

Ø    Problems will be posted to Teams, every Monday before 8:30am and will be due before 3:30pm every Friday.


Late Policy:

Ø    To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date. 

Ø    For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%).  Weekends count as one day. 

Ø    If a student is absent on a due date, a written excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply. 

Ø    A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with.  Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade. 

Ø    In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than 1 week after the given due date of the assignment.


Course Evaluation:

Ø    A demonstration of learning in January may consist of an exam, a cumulative project or assignment to be determined at a later date.


Extra Help:

Ø    A Team has been created on Office365 to allow students (during their home days) to have access to a Mathematics teacher for all questions they may have concerning their daily work. Any students enrolled in a 9 or 10 Mathematics course are encouraged to join the team in order to have access to a teacher when doing work/assignments at home. This team will be operational daily during Period 3.

Who: Ms. Conroy

What: Help for all 9/10 Mathematic students

When: Period 3

What: Questions, clarity, instruction etc……

Why: Give students working from home an opportunity to access Math help every day they are not in the building.

Where: > Teams > Join Team > Team Code: qdxnva8



Mathematics 9A (Sept 2020 – Jan 2021)

Unit 3 – Rational Numbers

Unit 1 – Square Roots and Surface Area

Unit 7 – Similarity and Transformations

Unit 8 – Circle Geometry

Unit 9 – Statistics and Probability

Posted: February 6, 2019

Assignment #1 (substitution, one step and two step equations)

Due Thursday, Feb 7

Posted: December 5, 2018

Unit 1 TEST - Thursday, Dec 6th.

Review from Textbook:

Pg 21: 2ab, 3abc, 4ab, 7ab, 8abc, 9ab

Pg 45: 1abcd, 2ae, 3abcd, 4ab, 6a, 10, 12c, 15a, 16b

Posted: October 26, 2018

The Grade 9 Broad Based Technology course went outside for the "Take Me Outside" challenge to do some coding! The Robot (blindfolded) is given directions to follow from the Walker and Turner, to retrieve a tennis ball.

Posted: October 25, 2018

Test on Friday, October 26th.

Review from textbook:

Page 87 #1cf, 3abc, 4, 6ab, 7a, 13d, 14abc, 18cd, 20ac, 23bc, 24ab, 26, 27

Posted: October 17, 2018

Friday, October 19

Exponents: Product & Quotient laws & order of operations 

Posted: October 17, 2018

Asgmt #11

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Posted: October 10, 2018

Page 66 #3abcd, 4abgh, 5acfh, 10cd, 16c

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Posted: October 10, 2018

Quiz on Exponents - Friday, Oct 12


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Oct 26 2018