Posted: September 9, 2020
Broad Based Technology 9
Ms. R. Foubert
Room 233
There are four Tech blocks, each being a Term long (10 weeks). They are Art, Music, Broad Based Technology and Personal Development. This course, Broad Based Technology (BBT), deals with several different software programs in order to complete a variety of assignments.
Course Content:
Unit 1 – PowerPoint (recreate an example presentation and create an original)
Unit 2 – Technology (exploring the history of technology, careers and technology, and responsible use of technology)
Unit 3 – Coding (using computer program Scratch)
Classroom Expectations:
1. It is assumed students will do all assigned work to the best of their ability and come for extra help when necessary (made by appointment with the teacher).
2. Students are responsible for all work assigned, whether or not they were present when the work was given.
3. Students must be on time for class, follow the established classroom rules, behave respectfully, complete assignments on time, and attend class regularly.
USB: since students will need to work from home during their offsite days, it is recommended they have a USB to save their projects at the end of each day.
PowerPoint 30%
Technology 30%
Coding 30%
Employability Skills 10%
(attendance, attitude, work ethic)
**Subject to change at Teacher’s discretion**