Ms. Christa Gallivan


Posted: November 16, 2009


Tue, Nov 17/09 8:00 pm

Posted: November 16, 2009


Wed, Nov 18/09 8:00 pm

Posted: November 16, 2009

This weekend we are study film genres.  The notes and assignment are attached.

Posted: November 12, 2009

Study please - review attached!
Microsoft Office document icon Review_0.doc25.5 KB

Posted: November 5, 2009

Today we answered questions on yesterday's notes and began taking notes on the Predynastic Period in Egypt.  The questions and notes are attached.  The activity we completed on Kings today is not attached.  Students will have to ask for this when they return.


Mon, Nov 16/09 8:00 pm

Posted: November 5, 2009


Thu, Nov 12/09 8:00 pm

Posted: November 4, 2009

We are continuing on with our study of the beginnings of the ancient civilization of Eqypt.  Today we spent a lot of time talking about the Nile River as the life source of Eqypt, being that Egypt is located in the Sehara Dessert.  We now understand that without the Nile River there would likely be no ancient Egypt to study.  The notes and worksheets to today's lesson are attached!! 
Office presentation icon Egypt_Intro_slides.ppt1.58 MB

Posted: November 4, 2009


Mon, Nov 9/09 8:00 pm

Posted: November 3, 2009

We are studing backround information for our unit on Eqypt.  There is vocabulary and a timeline attached.  Do these activities attached as well please!  More will be posted tomorrow.
Microsoft Office document icon LIVING_IN_ANCIENT_EGYPT.doc46.5 KB
