Ms. Ketch Notes

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Posted: December 2, 2009

Hey guys!  I'm sorry I'm so late posting these notes.  I know I promised to post these yesterday, please forgive me.  :)   This is the end of the notes for unit 2, the test in on Friday.
PDF icon Lesson_2_website_-_ch._8.pdf988.29 KB

Posted: November 27, 2009

Good start to the physics unit, everyone!  I feel we're right on tract to start studying motion in a more practical way.  Don't forget to bring your graph paper and calculators to class next week.

Posted: November 27, 2009

As we continue our exploration into the plant kingdom, here is the assignment we will be working on next week.  After this, animals!

Posted: November 27, 2009

Here are the notes for the begining of chapter 8.  Less than a week before we finish this unit and write our test.
PDF icon Lesson_1_website_-_ch._8.pdf1.84 MB

Posted: November 18, 2009

Here is the last of the notes for chapter 7.  We will be concluding this lesson on Thursday.
PDF icon Lesson_3_website_-_Ch._7.pdf1.26 MB
Hi everyone!  Be sure to study your scripts, each group is getting one full period of class time, but presentations are due on Tuesday!  I hope to get all 4 groups through in one day, so no excuses for not being ready (hoping to get pushed back a day!)

Posted: November 13, 2009

Okay, so the last couple of days have been pretty disjointed.  If you're looking to catch up, here are the first two lessons of our second unit, as well as the activity on modeling adaptation that I'm planning to do today. 

Posted: November 9, 2009

This has been highly requested - answers to the review for tomorrow's test.  Enjoy!
Microsoft Office document icon Review_Correction.doc399 KB

Posted: November 5, 2009

Here is a copy of the gel electrophoresis simulation lab conducted today in class.  This lab can be completed at home if you missed it.  Notes on the subject will help, see earlier posts.

Posted: November 5, 2009

Continuation des notes sur la nomenclature de composes polyatomiques.
PDF icon Lesson_7_NN.pdf80.53 KB

Posted: November 4, 2009

Here is the dichotomous Key assignment for those of you who missed it in class.  This is to be handed in to be marked.  (You will be marked on correctly naming creatures are correctly writting scientific names).
Microsoft Office document icon Classification_Activity.doc103.5 KB

Posted: November 3, 2009

Here are the notes for the begining of our second unit of study.  A reminder to all that we will begin having tests on the theory covered in class.  Also, we will begin working on short plays so it's imperative that if you've signed up to be with a group you're present for rehearsal time.  Monolgues are available for anyone who can't commit to a group.

Posted: November 3, 2009

Here are the set of notes for the begining of our chapter on classification.  This should keep you up to date on what we've been doing for the last few days.  A reminder to many of you that you have outstanding assignments (still owing!), which are due in immediately.  They can be dropped off at the school office and placed in my mailbox if needed.

Posted: November 2, 2009

Voici les notes sur la nomenclature de composes ioniques (pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne sont pas en classe cette semaine).  L'exercise a la fin doit etre complete.
PDF icon Lesson_5_N.pdf136.5 KB

Posted: November 2, 2009

Here are the remaining notes for the chapter, as well as the review for test comming up early next week.  We will also be conducting a lab this week (most likely on Thursday), so be here if at all possible.
