October 3rd Summary and Homework for Exchange/Absent Students

Posted: October 3, 2017

NRF 10:  On a fini la factorisation de trinômes.  J'ai attaché la leçon, mais le devoir est le suivant:  Dans le manuel, à la page 178, le devoir Explorateur (E) est de compléter les numéros 15 et #18 ab.  Le devoir Cartographe (C) est de compléter les numéros 15gh, 16 et 18ab.  J'ai inclus un scan de la page du manuel pour ceux qui n'ont pas apporté leurs manuels à la maison.


Science 10:  I've attahced the lesson on the organization of the periodic table of elements.  Pay particular attention to the significance of the periods in a the table and the review on the visual representation (Bohr-Rutherford) of elements.  Do the assignment indicated mid-way through the lesson and draw the Bohr-Rutherford representation of the first 20 elements, looking for trends and patterns.  The rest of the lesson (From Lewis Notation onwards) will be covered in class tomorrow.  It should also be noted that the lab has been pushed back to next Tuesday and Wednesday (October 10th and 11th) so the exchange students and the multi-school Pow-wow will not prevent students from taking part in the lab activity.


Biology 112:  We finished the summary review of the eukaryotic cell structures, and effectively finihsed chapter 3.  I've attached the lesson.  Please complete the assignment attached (both parts).  For the first part of the assignment, the summary of functions, it should be noted that the challenge is brevity - edit your work as your summary of FUNCTION should be no more than one line and should not actually pass the end of the line provided.  Choose your words carefully!!  The second part of the assignment is an analogy.  Read the instructions carefully and plan to attend extra help next week if you're not sure what's expected.