Posted: April 7, 2011
SEVEC Trip 2011
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: April 7, 2011
Participants post your pictures and comments!!!
Posted: April 6, 2011
Posted: April 2, 2011
Mother Nature has played an April Fool's joke on us all and given the Albertans the full NB experience including a snow storm. Fortunately, she planned it just right so that it landed in the night and the plows have already been out. Hopefully, you can all get plowed out early and meet us at the curling rink at about 10:30 and join us with Kelly's family to learn how to make a dreamcatcher. Drive slowly and carefully and I promise no jogging, push-ups, singing or jumping jacks for those who are late.
Posted: March 17, 2011
1. We are adding to the schedule a culture activity in Elsipogtog on Saturday after the potluck. Kelly Dennis’ family has graciously offered to share in their cultural heritage through hands-on participation. You have the option of doing a traditional craft or participating in a traditional sweat ceremony (which will take about three hours). Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from the activity. We need to discuss whether we would like to have the potluck earlier in the day….
2. Quick review
· Monday – late arrival at BLMS – about 12:30am (really Tuesday)
· Tuesday – Miramichi – Metepenagiag Heritage Park and rope climbing – parents drop off at 9:45, pick-up around 5:15
· Wednesday – Day at BLMS – on the school bus
· Thursday – Parents drop off at school (no school) – Hopewell Rocks, Fundy Park, Hopewell Rocks, Moncton Hotel and Champlain
· Friday – Charlottetown to school by 5pm to be picked up by parents
· Saturday – Family potluck 10:30 and Sweat/craft in Elsipogtog with families!
· Sunday – depart from school at 4 am (ouch)
SECRETS to SUCCESS in sharing living space and communal travel
1. No complaining – change your complaint into a question –
“It is so hot.” to “Would it be OK if we turned the heat down?”
“I am so sick of being around people, they get on my nerves!” to “Do you mind if I have a little time to myself?”
2. Set your expectations early.
“We all work together to clean up after the meal in my house.”
“This is your space, where you can dump your stuff – would you mind keeping all of your stuff in your room? That way you won’t lose anything either.”
“We always eat supper at 5.”
“If you’re hungry help yourself to the fridge. Then I won’t forget to feed you.” “We only eat a certain times in my house – never between meals.”
Posted: March 4, 2011
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Posted: February 25, 2011
Krista has secured the use of the curling rink for the potluck free of charge, with access to the kitchen and use of the ice as long as we clean up after ourselves. THANK YOU Rexton Curling Club!
No teens can drive motorized vehicles during the exchange. Though this poses an obvious inconvience for parents I am sure that everyone can respect that this is to ensure the safety of participants and there is also a question of liability.
Posted: February 10, 2011
See the proposed travel itinerary attached and send me any feedback that you may have. I would also like you to vote by email on the following questions. Do you think that we should plan more activities for Saturday or do you like the idea of planning a day with your twin and your family? Should we have the potluck on Friday evening, Saturday brunch or Saturday diner?
Posted: January 31, 2011
On February 1st at lunch I will be able to tell you the names of your twins as well as a tentative plan for the trip. We also need to start writing our letters to our Member of Parliment, Mr. Dominic Leblanc, and plan our video. Also email your twin and start getting to know them!
Posted: January 18, 2011
Some tentative details about our trip: Alberta students arrive at the school at 12:30 am on the 28th of March (really the 29th). Three days would be on the road - one day rope climbing in Miramichi, two days Bay of Fundy, Confederation Bridge and Moncton. One day at school with us and one day with family based activities.
We are looking at travelling to Alberta on Easter Monday leaving the school at 6 am and returning May 1st at 11:30 p.m.
We will meet the first week back for semster two. Check in with me this week and let me know if you were certified in canoeing with Mr. Scully.
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Added: Fri, Mar 4 2011