Posted: January 14, 2014
There have been a lot of changes since we last met. Unfortunately, the school in Swift Current
was not able to get enough students for the exchange and after a lot of
background work on the part of SEVEC we were able to be re-twinned with Lambrick Park Secondary School in Victoria,
B.C. The dates are similar to, but not
exactly, what we had agreed on before. We
will be traveling to Victoria February 15-22, and they will be visiting us
April 19-26. Students will still be
missing a total of seven days of class. Please
note, we will hosting over Easter weekend with a family day scheduled on
Easter. Our numbers of twins are almost
perfectly matched as they have 32 and we have 29; but the ratios are not the
same, as we have 23 girls and 6 boys and they have 14 girls and 18 boys. This means that despite our best efforts to
make sure that everyone is happy and comfortable with their twins, there are
going to be a lot of boy-girl twins and three students will need to host an
extra twin. We understand that there are a lot of
changes that may not be ideal for some families. If the changes do not work, and you would
like to pull out of the exchange, we will try to find a replacement. Because the exchange is coming up quickly, we
would need to know by January 14th.
If we can find a replacement your deposit can be returned to you.
To do list
Rules to remember
Get government issued identification
Payoff remaining balance ($350) by January 31st
Establish contact with twins once they are available and inform
hosting families of any allergies, or special considerations
Pack no more than one suitcase – pack for layers and rain (average
February temperatures of 9OC)
Make arrangements to have a peer take notes for you in all your
classes and to catch up on all assignments
Maintain good attendance, good behaviour and good grades
Be respectful (online as well!)
Be open to new experiences
Be positive– not everything will be perfect but everything is a
learning experience – No complaining!
Make an effort to help others to enjoy their trip
Communicate clearly – if something is bothering you work to solve
your problems
No driving for student participants (including ATV’s, boats, etc.)
Students who do not respect the code of behaviour could be sent home
at your expense
you have any questions, please contact the school 535-7160 or by email You can also call or text 506-521-4809 before
or during the trip with any questions or concerns (I have unlimited calling so
please feel free).