Posted: April 23, 2018
1. How many tons of seafood are harvested each year?
2. Why did the carbon footprint increase for fisheries since the 90’s?
3. Do you think that seafood carbon footprint labelling is a good idea? Why does Susanna Fuller argue that eating fish has a lower carbon footprint than other protein?
4. What is by-catch?
5. Should all food be labelled for carbon footprint?
6. What level of government would be responsible for such a food labelling program?
7. For someone labeling carbon footprint do you think that they should consider – fuel? Equipment manufacture? By-catch? Waste of the animal? Waste for cleaning? How far the markets are from where the food is produced (transportation costs)? Damage done to the local environment? Packaging?
8. Is there a way to make reducing our carbon footprint easier for the consumer to make an informed choice?