Posted: January 4, 2016
Day 1 - watch someone else's video and do a storyboards (working backwards from the video). (link is external) All answers must be in complete sentences. Choose a video from my video gallery - the ones that are final projects and not the stop motion or teaching videos. How many different shots are there? (1 point) Are there any point-of-view shots? Who’s point of view? Are they effective(2 points) Is the talent (acting) effective? Comment. (2 points) Do they use transitions? Which ones? Are they noticeable? (3 points) Do they use credits? Are they effective? (2 points) How did they use the green screen? Is it noticeable? Does it fit with the story? (2 points) How did they use the green screen? Is it noticeable? Does it fit with the story? (2 points) Is there background music? What feel does the music have? Does it really set the mood? (2 points) Did they add foley sounds? Does it add something to the video? (2 points) Make three suggestions about how this video could have been filmed or edited better. (3 points)
Day 2 - Storyboard. The final project is the equivalant of a final exam - you are expected to who what you have learned throughout the last four months. Therefore you must include: videos or photographs (for stop motion) quality audio including background music and foley sounds green screen a photoshopped image storyboard daily time management sheet
Day 3-13 - Shoot, upload, edit, record sounds, edit image in Photoshop, add credits (including Bengals' Productions MMXVI), export as a movie