Posted: September 8, 2020
Syllabus – 2020-2021
Biology 112 Mrs. L. Ketch
Resources: Textbook: Biology (Prentice Hall)
Students must have a notebook in which handouts can be placed, pens / pencils, a ruler and eraser / liquid paper.
Units of Study:
Unit 1: The Cell
The development of cell theory; Microscope techniques; A closer look at cells and cell organelles; The processes that move materials through the cell membrane; Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Unit 2: Biodiversity
Principles of taxonomy; Characteristics of major groups; A more detailed look at the six kingdoms; Biodiversity within ecosystems
Unit 3: Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium
Homeostasis; Circulatory system; Respiratory system; Digestive system; Excretory system; Immune system
Term Evaluations: Tests and quizzes: 30%
Assignments/homework: 35%
Labs and Lab Reports: 20%
Scientific Literacy: 15%
Both terms will make up 70% of the final mark, and the course exam will make up 30% of the final mark (subject to COVID regulations).
A final mark of 60% is required in order to receive full credit for this course.
This is an academic course meant to start preparing students for post-secondary studies. Students will be required to put in a certain amount of work outside class time.
Extra help: Extra help is available during lunch as per schedule available in class – see white board. See me if you wish to schedule a time for extra help.
Absences: If you miss one or more classes, it is your responsibility to catch up on all missed notes and work. If you have missed a test, it must be written on your first day back to school unless another arrangement has been made in advance. Medical excuses or written excuses for legitimate absences from parents are required to get extensions or to write a missed test / quiz (these can be applied to group work marks if necessary).
Tardy Work: All work (online and in person) must be completed on time and submitted by the due date. Any assignment handed in later than the due date must be accompanied by a medical note or a written note for a legitimate absence from parents. Late assignments are subject to the tardy assignment policy of the school.
Group marks and Lab marks: Attendance is a crucial part of group and lab marks assigned in this course. If you are absent for one or more days used for group work or labs, your mark will be adjusted to reflect the number of days you were absent.
Notice will be given in class if it this syllabus changes.