Posted: October 28, 2010
To edit the video.
Copy the video file for which you are responsible from M:/Mrs Halas Moulton/Handouts to the D: drive
Open Windows Live Movie Maker, save the Moveimaker file to the D drive with an obvious name.
Click Add videos and photos. Browse to that file on the D drive. Click Open.
Play the video and find a good section
Click Edit and split. Put cuts around the parts you want.
Click on and delete all the parts not part of that section that you wanted.
Click Home. Click the computer montior icon on the far right. Browse to M:/Mrs Halas Moultou/Drop Box/Rememberance Day/ - choose the best folder. Give your clip an obvious name. Click save.
Hit Ctrl + Z a few times to undo the deleting that you did and keep looking for good clips. Repeat steps 5-7 when you find a good clip.