Posted: December 5, 2014
Some clarity about what it is you need to get done before the end of next week. The last week of school before break and the two weeks when we get back you will have for doing your final project which counts as an exam worth 30% of your mark. Second semester marks:Stop motion - exported in avi and submittedGreen screen assignment - exported in avi and submittedReflection 5 - Stand by Me (see below) - submitted with your name in the fileWeb design unit - (A) Online course module 6 (B) Code academy - 2% for each page completed - yes you can get bonus marks (C) Weebly or Wordpress - create a fanpage/business website inluding pictures, links and text - a minimum of three pagesReflection #6 - Filter bubbles (see below) - submittd with your name in the file