DT - Weekly reflection - video game violence

Posted: March 18, 2012

Some researchers argue that video games lead to violence: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100920094620.htm http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/parents/video_games/concerns/viole... while others argue that it may not: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/05/080514213432.htm Read the articles, and others if you like, and give your opinion on whether video game violence leads to real violence.  Should children of any age be allowed to play any game?  Do certain games cross the line?  Should there be laws limiting the extent of violence in video games? 1.      Always write using a beginning and end.  Don’t leave us hanging – sum it up and SPELL check. 2.      COPY and PASTE this at the bottom of your writing piece and self evaluate with the highlighter pen. Weekly writing assignment – minimum 100 words, clearly focused on question given   Struggling Novice Acceptable Advanced Communication A challenge to read, not well developed, spelling mistakes are distracting A few spelling or grammatical mistakes, Good intro and conclusion, no more than two spelling mistakes Everything is written correctly and interestingly.   0-2.5 3 3.5  4 4.5  5 Ideas Ideas are limited and not well supported Some support for a main idea but not well developed Main ideas have examples and are clearly expressed A convincing explanation with examples and detail   0-5.5 6  6.5 7  7.5  8 9  9.5  10