Posted: November 24, 2011
Move your footage from M:/Mrs. Halas Moulton/Handouts/Digital Tech/Green Screen Footage to the D drive in a folder that you create.Open Premiere Pro. Save your file to that D drive folder.Import you assets (Ctrl I).Drag you asset to the video timeline.Edit using the razor tool (Ctrl C) and the move tool (Ctrl V). Drag the video clips to the video layer two and three. Choose a copyright free picture from somewhere. Import it. Drag it on to the video layer 1.In the bottom left panel under the Effects tab search chroma key.Drag the chroma key effect on to the timeline over the effect you want to edit. Click on the effects tab in the top middle panel. Twirl down the Chroma Key effect.Use the dropper on the colour box to pick up a medium green.Play with all the sliders at the bottom until you can get it as good as you want. Adjust the lenght of the videos, pictures and play with the chroma key until it is perfect.Export it as media and hand it in using SMART Synch.