Posted: October 25, 2013
English 9:
This week we worked on a new reading skill: drawing inferences. We learned that good readers do this by combining what they've read/observed with prior knoweldge to draw a conculsion. This enables you to read 'between the lines'. We explored this skill by looking a pictures, listening to music and reading various texts. We ended off the week with an article to practice our new skill.
Students also read their new novels on Wednesday (this is independent novel # 2) and were to hand in their assignment for their first independent novel (students, if you've yet to do this, make sure I see it on Monday!)
English 122:
We reviewed MLA essay formatting this week by creating visual respresentations of the formart guidelines that would appeal to a larger audience. Students can also take that these self-created guides to university with them!
We also continued to work on our Remembrance Day performance vignette that we are presenting at our school's ceremony on the 7th of November. Scripts are all done - we just have to stage it now!
Also, we began our 2nd Independent Novel on Thursday, The Vision, by our very own Kent County author, Jason Lawson.
Writing 110:
Yahoo! We finished Unit 2 this week - The Essay - and were to hand in our final copies of our persuasive pieces on Wednesday. We also did a practice demand writing piece to practice for the ELPA.
History 113:
We finally got to talking about World War I this week. So far we learned about the MAIN causes of the war and its kick off. Students researched the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and wrote a news paper article explaining the incident.