Posted: June 6, 2014
Monday June 9th : Will be a regular teaching day. All students are expected to attend.
Tuesday June 10th - Friday June 13th Revised Exam Schedule is posted .
Friday June 13th- Awards Banquet after school (6pm Meet and Mingle, 6:30pm begins)
Monday June 16th - Exam make up day for students with approved Exam conflicts.
Tuesday June 17th - Prom 9 pm - 12 pm (Open to public for pics from 5pm-8pm )
Friday June 20th - Grad Rehersal at 9 am (Grads only, bring your shoes you are using. If everyone shows up on time, you get out on time)
Saturday June 21st -Graduation 10 am (Graduates must be at the school by 9 am)