Posted: January 15, 2010
Click on the image to enlarge and see the updated exam schedule. Please take time to review the exam policy below.
1. Teachers will review this policy with students prior to the beginning of the exam schedule.
2. Students will be notified of a list of materials required for each exam. No other materials will be permitted in the exam room.
3. Teachers supervising exams may make spot checks of materials to make sure that no unauthorized materials are being brought in.
4. Calculators, dictionaries, and other items required for exams are subject to inspection at any time.
5. Students are to remain in the exam room for a minimum of two hours unless the office has granted permission for early dismissal from the exam prior to the exam day.
6. Students creating a disturbance during an exam will have their exams taken. They will not be marked.
7. Any student caught cheating (using cribs, unauthorized materials, etc.) will have their exam removed. It will not be marked.
8. Students are permitted to bring materials to work on in case they finish prior to the end of the exam period. These items must be left at the door of the exam room during the writing of the exam.
9. Students will be permitted to use the washrooms in the event of an emergency and only when an escort is available.
10. Students entering an exam room late will be granted admittance but will not be allowed extra time after the official exam period.
11. If a student is absent for an exam, the office must be notified by note or phone from the student’s parent or guardian prior to the start of the exam.
12. Exams missed with approved excuse will be made up at the end of the exam schedule. The exam delivered may not be the same given during the official exam period.
13. Prior to writing a final exam, all students are required to hand in the textbooks for the course.