Annual BLMS Awards Evening list of invitees for June 5th

Posted: May 31, 2013

The following students are invited to the awards ceremony which will be held Wednesday, June 5th in the gymnasium. All students who are invited are welcome to attend with their parents and siblings. The evening starts at 6:30 with a Mix & Mingle followed by the awards at 7:00pm. This is an annual event to honor academics and extra-curricular which includes clubs and sports.  The administration and staff would like to show them that hard work and involvement in their school does pay off. Please plan to attend, if your name is on the list and congratulations. 1.   Agnew, Calder 2.      Arsenault, Bradley 3.      Joseph Arsenault 4.      Augustine, Brad 5.      Augustine, Dillon 6.      Augustine, Joy 7.      Augustine, Sarah 8.      Augusting, Basil 9.      Babin, Tiffany 10.  Barnes, Chris 11.  Barnes, Sandy 12.  Beers, Jonathan 13.  Beers, Olivia 14.  Beers, Wade 15.  Bernard, Samantha 16.  Blanchard, Nathan 17.  Boisvert, Blayne 18.  Boisvert, Paige 19.  Brown, Myles 20.  Carruthers, Micah 21.  Carter, Mickey 22.  Chenier, George 23.  Colfer, Brett 24.  Comeau, Michelle 25.  Cormier, Brandon 26.  Cormier, Justin 27.  Cornish, Kelly 28.  Daigle, Gabe 29.  Daigle, Natasha 30.  Daigle, Quentin 31.  Demmings, Alex 32.  Dennis, Patrick 33.  Donaher,Travis 34.  Dowie, Mike 35.  Eric, Yordi 36.  Fillmore, Shamus 37.  Flanagan, Rebecca 38.  Flanagan, Tyler 39.  Forbes, Alexandrea 40.  Francis, Isaiah 41.  Fullerton, Jessica 42.  George, Kevin 43.  Girvan Milliea, Carlee 44.  Girvan, Madison 45.  Hachey, Peter 46.  Hannay, Elizabeth 47.  Hannay, Hillary 48.  Hebert, Chrystal 49.  Hebert, Miranda 50.  Hibbert, Tiffany 51.  Hudson, Jenna 52.  Hudson, Kelsey 53.  Jenkins, Melissa 54.  John, Taylor 55.  John, Tyler 56.  Johnson, Abby 57.  Joseph, Marcus 58.  Joseph, Morgan 59.  Kirby, Derrik 60.  Krawchuk, Hanna 61.  Lawson, Brooke 62.  Lawson, Rachel 63.  Leblanc, Francis 64.  Leblanc, Jonathan 65.  Lee, James 66.  Leslie, Erica 67.  MacKinnon, Cheryl 68.  Marsh, Keegan 69.  Marsh, Megali 70.  Martin, Andre 71.  McArthur, Moesha 72.  Mundle, Sandy 73.  Murphy, Allie 74.  Murphy, Morgan 75.  Neiwetts, Zita 76.  Nizan, Indya 77.  Owen, Angelica 78.  Perley-Francis, Brady 79.  Perley-Francis, Bridgette 80.  Perley-Francis, Sarah 81.  Perry, Laura 82.  Peter Paul, Julia 83.  Quigley, Chloe 84.  Reid, Amy 85.  Reidpath, Jessica 86.  Reynolds, Jael 87.  Robertson, Karlee 88.  Sanderson, Nicole 89.  Scarling, Cameron 90.  Scheele, Miriam 91.  Scully, Ian 92.  Scully, Kristen 93.  Scully, Lee 94.  Scully, Shae 95.  Simon, Desmond 96.  Simon, Rose 97.  Simon, Sebastien 98.  Sock, Brandon 99.  Sock, Kallee 100.                      Sock, Mackenzie 101.                      Solomon, Dustin 102.                      Steinmann, Jenny 103.                      Steinmann, Vanessa 104.                      Theriault, Bailey 105.                      Theriault, Brodie 106.                      Theriault, Ryan 107.                      Damian Thomah 108.                      Thompson, Austin 109.                      Thompson, Jade 110.                      Thompson, Wyatt 111.                      Van doorn, Mike 112.                      Vautour, Hannah 113.                      Ward, Casey 114.                      Warman, Dawson 115.                      Warman, Haley 116.                      Warman, Mackenzie 117.                      Warman, Trent 118.                      Whalen, Jesse 119.                      Whalen, Makayla 120.                      Wilson, Shanece