Posted: September 3, 2020
Grade 113 Modern History Course Outline
L. Hannay Fall 2020
History 113 has been organized to present a common knowledge of the major events of the late 19th century and the first several decades of the 20th century. The following units will be covered:
Unit 1 – Review of World Geography
Unit 2 – The Industrial Revolution
Unit 3 – World War I
Unit 4 – The Great Depression
Unit 5 – World War II
Materials Required: Pen or Pencil, Binder or Duotang, Looseleaf, Textbook
Classroom Expectations:
1. It is assumed students will do all assigned work to the best of their ability and come for extra help when necessary (made by appointment with me).
2. Students are responsible for ensuring they are adequately prepared for class, with all essential materials, and their homework completed.
3. Students are responsible for all work assigned, whether or not they were present when the work was given.
4. Due dates are to be respected. If there is a problem regarding an assignment being passed in on time, the student is expected to see the teacher about an extension prior to the due date.
5. Students are also expected to be polite, respectful and on time.
Term 1: 35% Term 2: 35% Exam: 30%
Term marks: Tests and Quizzes: 40%
Class Mark and Homework 20%
Assignments and Projects: 40%
Grading may be subject to change!!!!!!!
Have a great semester J
BLMS late assignment policy:
- To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date.
- For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%). Weekends count as one day.
- If a student is absent on a due date, a written excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply.
- A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with. Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade.
- In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than 2 weeks after the given due date of the assignment. Term marks are final.