English 112 Outline

Posted: September 7, 2021

English 112

Course Outline School Year 2021/22

Teacher: Mr. Bateman      Location: Room 213


Overview: This course is intended for students whose goals include postsecondary academic study. This course will have an emphasis on literary texts and is intended to (according to the ELA standards for reading and writing) enable students to:

• study and give detailed accounts of complex and sophisticated texts and issues

• be perceptive and analytical in making sophisticated adult judgments

• be critical and reflective readers of literary texts

• be analytical and critical viewers

• express themselves precisely when writing for often complex purposes

• be capable editors of their own and others’ writing

• communicate confidently and effectively in the formal style and language required by some situations

• demonstrate control of language processes


A major goal for students of English 112 will be in acquiring academic independence as they ready themselves for university. Students will be exposed to the following over the course of our year together:

·         Poetry

·         Drama

·         Various Novel Studies

·         Essay Writing

·         Researching/MLA formatting

·         Presentation

·         Discussion Skills

·         Short Story/Literary theory


Materials Required: The following materials are required for this course:

1.      Binder  

2.      Loose-leaf

3.      Pen / Pencil


Attendance: Absences interfere with your chance to do well in class. You should make every effort possible to be ‘in class’ every day so that you will be prepared to do the very best you can. If you are absent from class, you are accountable for the work you’ve missed. In other words, being absent does not excuse you from the material covered in class. If you are out from class, it is your responsibility to find out what work is to be completed.


Expectations: Students are expected to come to class on time and prepared. This involves bringing necessary school supplies as well as having homework and assignments completed on time. Students are also expected to be polite and respectful.



Reading and Viewing


  Writing and Representing


 Speaking and Listening



*Summative assessment is the evaluation of all final works that demonstrate one’s competency of a curricular outcome (i.e. final tests, final projects and assignments).

*Formative assessment is all the processes and practice undertaken to create or complete a final assessment such as a test (i.e. quizzes, homework, practice work and participation)

*Peer/Self-Assessment is any evaluation that you complete about yourself or that your peers complete about you.


Term and Exam values:

Terms 1-4: 70%

January Exam: 15% *Tentative

End-of-Year Multi-Genre Project: 15%


Communications:  If, at anytime, during the school year you need extra help or have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to come and see me, or email me at Clinton.bateman@nbed.nb.ca.

Late assignment policy: 

·         To get full marks, assignments need to be handed in by the assigned due date. 

·         For every date late, after the assignment due date, 10% will be deducted from the mark (up to a maximum of 40%).  Weekends count as one day. 

·         If a student is absent on a due date, a written legitimate excuse from a parent or guardian must be presented upon the student’s return, or the late-day deductions will apply. 

·         A student’s mark cannot be lower than 60% given that the student deserves a passing grade on the assignment to begin with.  Any work getting a mark of less than 60% will receive that grade. 

·         In order to be graded, all work must be handed in no later than one week after the given due date of the assignment.  Term marks are final.