Update for parents March 16

Posted: March 16, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions for Students and Parents Regarding COVID-19 Related School


(Information effective as of March 16, 2020)

 ASD-N is working in consultation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) regarding the current school closures and how it will affect the academic year. These messages will be updated as we receive information on this continuously evolving situation.

 ASD-N shares the concerns of our school communities and staff pertaining to health and safety. We will continue to take all of the precautions recommended by the Department of Health pertaining to the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

 It is important to follow the advisement of our Federal and Provincial health officials: The purpose of the school closure is to try to prevent further transmission of COVID-19 through self-isolation and social distancing. Public health experts are urging everyone to be aggressive in their efforts to “flatten the curve”. Everyone needs to take these actions seriously and stay safe.


Q &A

1) Can my child attend Co-Op?

 Co-Op is considered a school course therefore, students are not able to attend their placement. All Co-Op placements are cancelled during this two week closure.

2) Will the closure impact my Child & Youth Appointment?

 Your child’s health and safety including their mental health is our priority. Students will continue to be supported. Phone numbers for C and Y teams can be accessed through Addictions and Mental Health.

C and Y pamphlet can be accessed at:

https://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departme nts/ed/pdf/K12/IntegratedServiceDelivery.pdf Contact:

Miramichi: 778-6763

Rexton: 876-3570

Bathurst: 547-2038 Campbellton/Dalhousie: 789-2440

3) What are the expectations for school work during the closure?


 For the time being expectations are similar to that of “March Break”, and there will be no assignments.

4) Will schools be providing assignments/online learning?

 EECD and ASD-N is exploring the possibility of developing resources for students that will become available should the closure progress beyond the current two weeks.

5) Are field trips cancelled?

 All field trips are cancelled until further notice.

6) Are out of Province/International school trips cancelled?

 All International and out of Province trips are cancelled until the end of the year.

7) Will report card dates be impacted by the closure?

 At this time, the dates have not been impacted. If that changes we will update you.

8) Will the two week closure impact my child’s marks?


 No.

9) Will this closure impact my child’s potential to


 This two week closure will not impact graduation eligibility. We will reassess should the closure extend beyond two weeks.

10) Will this closure affect graduations and prom events?

 At this time, this two week closure will not affect graduations or prom events.

11) Will this closure impact post-secondary applications and scholarship applications?

 We do not believe there will be an impact, however it is best to check with your post-secondary institution or scholarship provider.

12) Will this closure impact the length of the school year? ie: will it be extended into the summer?


 At this time, we have not received this direction from the Minister of Education.

13) Are daycares/early learning and childcare facilities closed?

 The majority of daycares will be closing. Please confirm with your provider.

14) Do I still have access to the school building during this closure?

 No.

15) Are school related activities impacted by this closure?

(Sports, Drama, Home & School meetings, etc.)

 For the time being, all activities are cancelled.

16) Where do I go to get more information about school closures?


 For up to date information, please visit our website at asd-n.nbed.nb.ca/ or twitter account @asdnnb.

17) Will Provincial Assessments be impacted by this closure?

 No.

18) Are there resources for me to access information on

how to talk to my children about COVID-19?

 We suggest you visit asd-n.nbed.nb.ca/other/covid-

19 for related resources.

19) I am going to take an international trip with my children during the closure. Will my children be allowed to return to school when we get back?

 The exclusion period is still in effect. Your child will not be allowed to return to school for 14 days when you arrive home. Please follow public health’s self- monitoring recommendations for symptoms and only call 811 if you or your child are experiencing symptoms.

20) What about “On My Way to K”?

● All “On My Way to K” sessions will be postponed.


21) Will facility rentals be affected?

● All rentals of school facilities have been cancelled until further notice.

22) Can I still register my child for French Immersion?

● French Immersion Registration is still open.

Please follow the link: http://asd- n.nbed.nb.ca/page/french-immersion-registration

Please contact Linda Dickson, FSL Coordinator by email if you have any questions at Linda.dickson@nbed.nb.ca

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please stay tuned for further updates.