"Stepped Up"

Posted: December 4, 2014

So to build some team unity and have a little fun the team came up with a way to recognize the "Player fo the Game" for each game.  It will go to the player who had a great game and stepped up with points, rebounds, good passes, etc!  The following is the list of player for each game that stepped up and made a difference.  The player that receives this award will get to wear a fantastic looking, vintage leather jacket.  Keep checking back to see who they are, or check them out while they walk the halls rocking the sweet looking jacket!

Dec. 2 vs MFR - Shamus Fillmore

Dec. 4 @ MFR - Gabe Daigle

Dec. 6 vs HTHS - Janiztio Caraventes

Dec. 12 @ BHS - Nathan Blanchard

Dec. 19 @ L'OHS - Lee Scully

Jan. 14 @ TRHS - Trent Warman

Jan. 26 vs JMA - James Lee