Boys Bengal Roster 2009-10

Posted: November 4, 2009

First I want to thank all the boys who tried out for the basketball team.  It was great that I had 26 interested boys come out.  I hope that this is a sign of how strong our program is going to become.  Due to the large number at tryouts I did have to make cuts this year. Attached is the roster for the boys basketball team 2009-10.  I want to congratulate the boys who did make the team.  It is a long season and it will require a lot of work and dedication on your part.  I will be naming the team captain(s) at a later date.  If you have any questions contact Mr. Woodburn. All players MUST pay their athletic fee ($100) to Ms. Conroy before Mon, Nov. 16th.  If you are unable to pay the full amount contact the coach Mr. Woodburn.
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